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Pulse Sensor LED Teeb: 4 Cov Kauj Ruam
Pulse Sensor LED Teeb: 4 Cov Kauj Ruam

Video: Pulse Sensor LED Teeb: 4 Cov Kauj Ruam

Video: Pulse Sensor LED Teeb: 4 Cov Kauj Ruam
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Pulse Sensor LED Teeb
Pulse Sensor LED Teeb

Thaum ib tus neeg tsaug zog, lawv lub plawv dhia qis dua 8%. Yog li peb lub teeb yuav muab lub teeb ci ci thaum tus neeg siv mus pw thiab raws li nws cov mem tes txo qis qhov ci ntawm lub teeb yuav ploj mus kom txog thaum nws tua thaum tus neeg siv pw tsaug zog.

Lub teeb LED sawb teeb tau txuas nrog lub mem tes sensor. Thaum lub ntsuas pom lub plawv dhia, LED pluaj tig nrog lub ci ci raws li koj lub plawv dhia. Yog tias koj lub plawv dhia siab dua, LED sawb yuav ci nrog lub zog siab. Yog tias koj lub plawv dhia qis LED pluaj nrog qhov siv zog tsawg.

Kauj Ruam 1: Kauj Ruam 1: Cov Cuab Yeej thiab Cov Khoom

Kauj Ruam 1: Cov Cuab Yeej thiab Cov Khoom
Kauj Ruam 1: Cov Cuab Yeej thiab Cov Khoom

- 3D Tshuab Luam Ntawv lossis 3D Printing Service

- Arduino UNO/ Arduino Nano

- 1m Neopixel LED sawb 5050 RGB SMD 60 Pixels IP67 Dub PCB 5V DC

- +5V Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob

- 1000 microfarads Capacitator (*1)

-470 ohms Kuj

- Pulse Sensor


(*1) Thaum siv DC lub zog xa hluav taws xob, lossis tshwj xeeb cov roj teeb loj, peb pom zoo kom ntxiv lub capacitor loj (1000 µF, 6.3V lossis siab dua) hla cov + thiab - cov dav hlau. Qhov no tiv thaiv qhov pib ua ntej ntawm tam sim no los ntawm kev puas lub pixels.

Kauj Ruam 2: Kauj Ruam 2: Txhim Kho Circuit

Kauj ruam 2: Tsim Circuit Court
Kauj ruam 2: Tsim Circuit Court
Kauj ruam 2: Tsim Circuit Court
Kauj ruam 2: Tsim Circuit Court

Lub plawv ntsuas lub ntsuas yuav tsum txuas nrog rau lub rooj tsav xwm arduino 5V, rau tus lej sib piv, qhov no peb xaiv A0 thiab hauv av.

LED sawb yog qhov nyuaj dua. Muaj ib txoj hlua uas yuav tsum txuas nrog tus lej digital, peb xaiv tus pin 6, ib qho mus rau hauv av thiab tus kawg rau lub zog. Peb tuaj yeem txuas lub arduino mus rau 5V lub rooj zaum fais fab tuag lossis rau lub roj teeb sab nraud. Yog tias koj xaiv lub rooj zaum fais fab tuag koj yuav tsis muaj teeb meem. Txawm li cas los xij yog tias koj xaiv siv lub roj teeb sab nraud peb xav kom suav nrog 1000 µF capacitator rau cov roj teeb uas muaj qhov hluav taws xob siab dua 6, 3 V.

Koj tuaj yeem nrhiav cov ntaub ntawv ntau ntxiv ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob sab nraud ntawm qhov txuas hauv qab no:

Kauj ruam 3: Programming


Cov kauj ruam tom ntej yog ua kom Arduino program.

Thawj kauj ruam yog teeb tsa Adafruit Library. Koj tuaj yeem pom nws ntawm no:

Thaum pib ntawm txoj haujlwm peb yuav tsum ntshuam AdafruitNeopixel lub tsev qiv ntawv thiab teeb tsa kev teeb tsa.

Daim duab thib ob qhia txog lub voj, qhov haujlwm tau ua tiav. Txhua lub sijhawm peb lub plawv dhia nce lossis txo qhov kev hloov pauv ntawm lub teeb, los ntawm lub teeb xiav rau lub plawv qis qis mus rau ci dawb rau lub plawv dhia siab.

Daim duab thib peb qhia txog txoj haujlwm uas yuav ua raws cov kab hluav taws xob LED. Qhov program no yog qhov kawg. Cov LEDs hauv kab txaij yuav tig ib qho tom qab ib qho.

Kauj Ruam 4: Tsim Cov Qauv

Tsim Tsab Ntawv
Tsim Tsab Ntawv
Tsim Tsab Ntawv
Tsim Tsab Ntawv
Tsim Tsab Ntawv
Tsim Tsab Ntawv

Tam sim no nws yog lub sijhawm los tsim lub teeb thiab ntsuas qhov program arduino.

Cov duab yog cilinder yooj yim yog li koj tuaj yeem yuav lub teeb cilindric lossis ua SolidWorks cov ntaub ntawv thiab luam tawm

Nws yuav tsum yog cov khoom siv translucid yog li koj tsis tuaj yeem pom sab hauv ntawm lub teeb tab sis lub teeb tseem tuaj yeem tawm mus.

Txhawm rau xaus txoj haujlwm koj yuav tsum ntsuas lub teeb. Yog tias LEDs pib coj txawv txawv koj yuav tsum saib yog tias cov hlua LED tau muab lub zog txaus. NeoPixel LED sawb yog qhov muaj zog heev thiab yog tias tsis muab lub zog txaus nws yuav tsis ua haujlwm zoo.

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