Cov txheej txheem:

Pingo: Motion-Detecting thiab High-Accuracy Ping Pong Ball Launcher: 8 Kauj Ruam
Pingo: Motion-Detecting thiab High-Accuracy Ping Pong Ball Launcher: 8 Kauj Ruam

Video: Pingo: Motion-Detecting thiab High-Accuracy Ping Pong Ball Launcher: 8 Kauj Ruam

Video: Pingo: Motion-Detecting thiab High-Accuracy Ping Pong Ball Launcher: 8 Kauj Ruam
Video: Part 2 - The Thirty-Nine Steps Audiobook by John Buchan (Chs 6-10) 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj
Pingo: Motion-Detecting thiab High-Accuracy Ping Pong Ball Launcher
Pingo: Motion-Detecting thiab High-Accuracy Ping Pong Ball Launcher
Pingo: Motion-Detecting thiab High-Accuracy Ping Pong Ball Launcher
Pingo: Motion-Detecting thiab High-Accuracy Ping Pong Ball Launcher
Pingo: Motion-Detecting thiab High-Accuracy Ping Pong Ball Launcher
Pingo: Motion-Detecting thiab High-Accuracy Ping Pong Ball Launcher

Kevin Nitiema, Esteban Poveda, Anthony Mattacchione, Raphael Kay

Kauj ruam 1: Kev txhawb siab

Kev txhawb siab
Kev txhawb siab
Kev txhawb siab
Kev txhawb siab
Kev txhawb siab
Kev txhawb siab

Nov ntawm Nikee (tsis txhob xav tsis meej nrog peb cov neeg sib tw, Nike), peb tab tom saib tas li nqis peev hauv thiab txhim kho cov thev naus laus zis uas yuav tso cai rau peb cov kis las los sim thiab thawb lawv cov kev txwv. Peb tau txais kev pom zoo los ntawm pab pawg tshawb fawb thoob ntiaj teb uas cuam tshuam nrog kev txhim kho cov lus tsa suab pom thiab ua kom raug qhov tseeb. Pab pawg no, uas feem ntau ua haujlwm ntawm cov phiaj xwm kev ruaj ntseg zoo tshaj plaws, tsim cov txheej txheem kinetic uas txav mus los ib puag ncig lub hom phiaj, txheeb xyuas lawv txoj haujlwm, thiab tso tawm ping pong npas ncaj qha rau hauv lawv cov lus qhia. Tam sim no peb tab tom sim seb qhov txheej txheem no tuaj yeem siv los ntsuas tus neeg ncaws pob tes ua haujlwm sib koom tes, mob siab rau, thiab ua siab ntev. Peb ntseeg siab tias cov txheej txheem no yuav raug tsim sai sai raws li tus qauv kev lag luam hauv txhua qhov kev cob qhia ncaws pob. Saib koj tus kheej:

Kauj ruam 2: Project Video

Kauj Ruam 3: Qhov Chaw, Cov Khoom Siv thiab Cov Cuab Yeej


6 x 3V-6V DC motors

3 x L298N tsav tsheb (rau 6 DC lub cev muaj zog)

2 x 28BYJ-48 stepper lub cev muaj zog

2 x Uln2003 lub cev muaj zog tsav tsheb (rau 2 stepper motors)

1 x MG996R servo motor

1 x HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor

1 x breadboard (txhua qhov loj me yuav ua)

1 x arduino mega 2560

3 x 3.7V 18650 roj teeb

3 x 3.7V 18650 tus tuav lub roj teeb

1 x 9V pin

40 x M/M xov hlau

40 x M/F xov

40 x F/F xov

12 ft x 22 gauge liab hlau

12 ft x 22 gauge dub xaim

Cov ntaub ntawv:

4 x log/iav/log tsheb rau 3V-6V DC motors (cov no yuav ua haujlwm: cov khoom siv+lub log+arduino & qid = 1583732534 & sr = 8-7)

2 x 6 mm tuab tuab acrylic tsheb daim hlau (kom txiav laser, saib laser.stl)

1 x ping-pong ball launcher (yuav tsum luam tawm 3d, saib 3d.stl)

1 x ping -pong ball launcher - phaj txuas (saib tag nrho.stl)

1 x sensor platform (kom 3d luam tawm, saib all.stl)

4 x 55 mm M3 ntsia hlau

8 X 35 mm M3 ntsia hlau

6 x 25 mm M3 ntsia hlau

32 x 16 mm M3 ntsia hlau

22 x 10 mm M3 ntsia hlau

72x3m wb

Cov Cuab Yeej:

Phillips-Lub taub hau ntswj


Cov hlua hlau

Daim kab xev hluav taws xob



Super kua nplaum

Khoom siv:

Laser txiav

3D tshuab luam ntawv


Qauv (Rhino)



Kauj ruam 4: Circuit Court

Circuit Court
Circuit Court
Circuit Court
Circuit Court

Kauj Ruam 5: Ua Tshuab

Tshuab Ua
Tshuab Ua

Peb tau txuas peb daim duab ua qauv 3d. Thawj muaj cov duab geometry rau laser txiav cov khoom siv acrylic (laser.stl; thib ob muaj cov duab geometry rau 3d luam tawm cov khoom yas (3d.stl); thiab ib feem peb muaj tag nrho cov duab geometry rau tag nrho cov tshuab hauv nws daim ntawv ua ke - suav nrog laser txiav geometry, 3d luam tawm geometry, thiab cov khoom lag luam yuav khoom geometry (all.stl)

Peb xub tsim lub tshuab los ntawm kev ntsia lub log thiab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob rau lub laser txiav acrylic daim hlau. Tom ntej no, peb tau ntsaws lub foob pob hluav taws ua ke, txuas ob lub cav thiab lub log, ua ntej txuas lub foob pob hluav taws mus rau cov phaj nrog ntu laser txiav, ntu 3d luam txuas. Thaum kawg lub ntsuas hluav taws xob tau ntsaws rau hauv nws lub roob, nws tus kheej ntsia rau ntawm daim hlau tsheb. Lub rooj sib txoos tau qhia ntxaws, xim coding los ntawm cov txheej txheem tsim (piv txwv li txiav laser, luam ntawv 3d, yuav).

Kauj ruam 6: Programming

Saib peb cov ntawv txuas nrog arduino!

Kauj Ruam 7: Cov txiaj ntsig thiab Kev Xav

Peb tau teeb tsa los tsim lub tshuab uas tsav tsheb raws txoj kab, nyob thiab sau tseg qhov deb ntawm ib qho khoom nyob hauv thaj tsam ntawm nws qhov ntsuas, thiab tua pob ping pong ntawm qhov khoom ntawd. Peb tau ua qhov no! Nov yog qee qhov kev qhia thiab ua tsis tiav raws txoj hauv kev:

1) Tsis yog 3D tshuab luam ntawv lossis cov tshuab txiav laser tso tawm nrog qhov ntsuas qhov tseeb. Ua cov khoom haum yuav tsum kuaj. Nyob rau hnub sib txawv thiab ntawm cov tshuab sib txawv sib txawv tsim cov teeb tsa ua haujlwm sib txawv! Luam tawm thiab txiav cov qauv ntsuas ua ntej thaum haum daim ua ke.

2) Cov motors sib txawv xav tau cov khoom siv fais fab sib txawv. Siv cov hluav taws xob sib txawv los tsim cov hluav taws xob sib txawv ntau dua li hlawv hluav taws xob.

3) Tsis txhob ntim cov khoom siv hluav taws xob lossis cov xov hlau hauv qab kho vajtse nruj! Muaj ib txwm hloov pauv me me uas koj yuav xav ua (lossis yuav tsum tau ua) raws txoj hauv kev-thiab tshem tawm cov ntsia hlau thiab rov ntswj tag nrho lub tshuab ua haujlwm sib koom ua ke los ua cov kev hloov pauv no yog ib txoj haujlwm txaus. Peb yuav ua kom loj dua hla qhov rau cov xov hlau thiab nkag mus rau sab saum toj ntawm lub tsheb yog tias peb yuav tsum ua txhua yam ntxiv.

4) Tsuas yog vim tias koj muaj cov ntaub ntawv 3D thiab cov lej ua haujlwm tsis txhais tau tias yuav tsis muaj teeb meem. Paub txog kev daws teeb meem tsis yooj yim sua yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj li kev sim ua ntej txhua yam ntawm cov teeb meem uas tsis pom kev. Tseem ceeb tshaj, nyob twj ywm hauv chav kawm! Nws yuav kawg ua haujlwm tawm.

Kauj Ruam 8: Cov neeg ua pov thawj thiab cov qhab nia

Peb coj lub tswv yim yuav ua li cas nrawm ping-pong pob los ntawm Backroom Workdesk

Peb xav ua tsaug rau University of Toronto Kws qhia ntawv ntawm Architecture tus kws cob qhia rhiav, Tom, rau kev koom nrog peb tau ib hlis.

Ua haujlwm los ntawm: Kevin Nitiema, Anthony Mattacchione, Esteban Poveda, Raphael Kay

Ua haujlwm rau: 'Tsis Siv Neeg Lub Tshuab' txoj haujlwm, Chav Ua Haujlwm Lub Cev, Kws Qhia Ntawv ntawm Architecture, University of Toronto

Pom zoo: