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Wiimote Whiteboard Teeb: 3 Kauj Ruam
Wiimote Whiteboard Teeb: 3 Kauj Ruam

Video: Wiimote Whiteboard Teeb: 3 Kauj Ruam

Video: Wiimote Whiteboard Teeb: 3 Kauj Ruam
Video: How to use Smart Notebook (part 4) - Transfer text book activity to Smart Notebook activity. 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj
Wiimote Whiteboard Teeb
Wiimote Whiteboard Teeb
Wiimote Whiteboard Teeb
Wiimote Whiteboard Teeb

Qhov laj thawj rau qhov no yog los qhia yuav ua li cas siv wiimote, bluetooth usb adapter, khoos phis tawj thiab software los tsim cov tshuaj ntsiav tshuaj tus nqi qis tawm ntawm koj tus saib tam sim no nrog cov khoom siv uas tau teev tseg. qhia kuv sim ntawm itim cov tub ntxhais kawm siv tshuab thiab tsuas yog pom qhov txias no johnny lee cov lus qhia rau nws

Kauj Ruam 1: Ir Pen

Ir Pen
Ir Pen

thawj kauj ruam yog tsim lub cwj mem infrared. wiimote yog siv ua lub ntsuas hluav taws xob sib txuas nrog lub khoos phis tawj ntawm bluetooth.

Kuv siv ib qho ir coj, hloov me me, thiab AAA roj teeb. txhua qhov no haum zoo hauv tus cim khoob. ntawm qhov kawg kuv tso ib daim ntawv ci kom pom lub teeb ntawm txhua lub ces kaum.

Kauj Ruam 2: Tso Wiimote

Qhov chaw ntawm Wiimote
Qhov chaw ntawm Wiimote

Lub wiimote muaj lub kaum ntse ntse saib ntawm 45 degrees.

cov kauj ruam no yog sim thiab yuam kev. txhawm rau nrhiav lub kaum sab xis thiab nrug deb ua haujlwm rau koj. Kuv tau tso nws nyob ib puag ncig 2.5 ft nyob rau ntawm kuv lub monitor tsuas yog me ntsis tawm ntawm qhov chaw.

Kauj ruam 3: Kev sib txuas ntawm Wiimote

thaum koj muaj wiimote tso thiab tus cwj mem ua tiav, tom ntej no yog software sab.tus usb bluetooth adapter kuv tau tuaj nrog cov software uas tsim nyog.this yog xiav soleil soleil software.once koj tuaj yeem tau txais wiimote txuas nrog wiimote whiteboard program xav tau rub tawm johnny lee tsim txoj haujlwm no thiab nws nyob ntawm nws lub vev xaib website.another qhov program txias yog hnab looj tes pieglove ncuav qab zib uas tso cai rau koj siv lub wiimote nws tus kheej li nas.

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