Cov txheej txheem:

E-textile Hard/soft Connection: 4 Kauj Ruam
E-textile Hard/soft Connection: 4 Kauj Ruam

Video: E-textile Hard/soft Connection: 4 Kauj Ruam

Video: E-textile Hard/soft Connection: 4 Kauj Ruam
Video: {Failed} sealant to seal the gap between the glass roof and the wall without backer rod 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj
E-textile Hard/soft Connection
E-textile Hard/soft Connection

Yog tias koj ua haujlwm nrog cov khoom siv hluav taws xob thiab textiles, feem ntau nws nyuaj rau txuas cov ntawv e-textile mus rau cov khoom siv hluav taws xob nyuaj. Thaum muaj ntau qhov kev daws teeb meem rau qhov no twb tau ua tiav lawm, Kuv pom tias cov tshuaj yooj yim heev thiab muaj zog tau ploj mus: tsuas yog kaw cov khoom siv rau lub rooj tsav khoom hluav taws xob.

Hauv cov lus qhia no kuv yuav qhia koj li cas kuv ua tus txuas rau txoj haujlwm tsis ntev los no uas peb xav tau 12 e-textile txuas, teeb tsa hauv kab sib chaws ntawm 6 x 2.

Kauj Ruam 1: Cheeb Tsam

Rau qhov txuas no, koj yuav xav tau:

1. Ib qho ntawm cov ntaub ntawv nrog e-textile ib feem ntawm koj lub Circuit Court thiab cov tsaws tsaws kom raug (peb yuav tau txais cov qauv tsim ntawm cov tsaws tsaws tom qab). Loj: txog 20 x 7 cm.

2. Ib lub pcb (cov khoom siv hluav taws xob) nrog qhov nyuaj (tsis hloov pauv) ib feem ntawm koj lub Circuit Court thiab cov tsaws tsaws tsaws tsag raug (dua, peb yuav mus txog qhov ntawd tom qab). Loj: txog 20 x 7 cm.

3. Ib daim ntawm kev xav (kwv yees li 2 hli tuab; tsis xav tau yog tias cov ntaub koj siv tau tuab lawm). Loj: li 20 x 7 cm.

4. Ib qho khoom siv tawv ua thim rov qab (Kuv siv lwm lub pcb rau qhov ntawd, tab sis koj kuj tseem tuaj yeem siv qee iav acrylic lossis ntoo). Loj: txog 20 x 7 cm.

5. 3 txiv ntoo thiab ntsia liaj qhov rooj, loj M3

Hauv kuv qhov xwm txheej, lub Circuit Court twb dhau los ntawm qee qhov kev xav, yog li kuv tsis tau siv ib qho ntxiv ntawm kev xav. (Qhov xav tau ntxiv tsuas yog xav tau ua padding nruab nrab ntawm cov ntaub thiab cov khoom siv thaub qab thiab kom paub tseeb tias cov rog tau faib sib npaug.)

Kauj Ruam 2: Tsim E-textile Landing Pads

Tsim E-textile Landing Pads
Tsim E-textile Landing Pads

Cov tsaws tsaws rau ntawm e-textile sab yog kab txaij ntawm 10 hli dav thiab tsawg kawg 10 hli ntev ua ntej lawv ua nqaim dua.

Cov tsaws tsaws tsaws tau npaj rau hauv 2 ntu, txhua tus muaj 3 kab thiab 2 kab. Nco ntsoov tias hauv qhov tsim qauv no, lub txuas txuas yog nyob ntawm ntug ntawm cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov tsaws tsaws tsaws ntawm sab xis hla thiab txuas rau hauv Circuit Court ntawm sab nraub qaum ntawm cov ntawv (nws yog ob txheej txheej).

Yog tias koj tus qauv tsim tso cai, koj tuaj yeem txav tau qhov txuas me ntsis ntxiv mus rau hauv nruab nrab yog li koj muaj chav nyob ntau dua los ntxuam lub txuas thiab khaws cov xov tooj hluav taws xob ua tiav ntawm ib sab.

Qhov sib nrug nruab nrab ntawm 2 ntu yog 2 cm. Peb yuav ua lub qhov me me nyob hauv nruab nrab tom qab yog li cov neeg sib txuas yuav raug nias tawm tsam ib leeg.

Kauj Ruam 3: Tsim Cov Tsaws Tsaws ntawm Pcb

Tsim Cov Tsaws Tsaws ntawm Pcb
Tsim Cov Tsaws Tsaws ntawm Pcb

Rau qhov haujlwm no kuv tsis tsim pcb. Hloov chaw kuv tsuas yog khij qee daim kab xev tooj liab rau qee pawg FR4. Hmoov tsis zoo, kuv tsis nco qab thaij duab sab nraum qab ntawm pcb thiab kuv tsuas muaj daim duab ntawm sab xub ntiag. Txawm li cas los xij, sab nraub qaum zoo ib yam rau sab xub ntiag tshwj tsis yog tias nws tsis muaj cov kab laug sab (yog li saum npoo yog tiaj li ua tau).

Tus qauv tsim nws tus kheej tsuas yog qee qhov 1 cm dav tooj liab daim kab xev uas tau muab tso rau ntawm lub pcb thiab muab hla mus rau lwm sab. Qhov sib nrug ntawm cov kab txaij yog rov qab 1 cm thiab qhov sib nrug ntawm kab 3 thiab 4 yog 2 cm (kom muaj chaw rau lub qhov).

Nyob rau sab saum toj kuv tau siv qee cov xov hlau rau tus qauv 12 tus pin boxed header yog li kuv tuaj yeem txuas ib kab xov txuas. (Rau kuv qhov haujlwm, pcb yog tus hloov pauv PCB mus los ntawm 12 tus pin lub taub hau mus rau e-textile Circuit. Hauv kev tsim tom qab, cov tsaws tsaws tsaws yuav muab tso rau ntawm pcb nws tus kheej yog li yuav tsis muaj cov hlua txuas ntxiv.)

Kuv kuj ntxiv ib lub qhov rau saum thiab hauv qab. Hauv daim duab saum toj no lub qhov tau ntim nrog M3 cov ntsia hlau.

Kauj Ruam 4: Muab Cov Khoom Ua Ke

Thaum koj tau ua ob qho e-textile thiab pcb ib feem, nws yog lub sijhawm los muab cov khoom ua ke.

Ua tib zoo kho lub pcb, cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov khoom siv nraub qaum (hauv kuv qhov xwm txheej: pcb thib 2) thiab laum 3 qhov kom haum rau cov ntsia hlau.

Rhais cov ntsia hlau thiab txheeb xyuas qhov sib txuas rau ib qho luv lossis qhib cov kab hluav taws xob kom ntseeg tau tias txhua yam ua haujlwm raws li qhov xav tau.

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