Cov txheej txheem:

Electromyography Spacecraft: 6 Kauj Ruam
Electromyography Spacecraft: 6 Kauj Ruam

Video: Electromyography Spacecraft: 6 Kauj Ruam

Video: Electromyography Spacecraft: 6 Kauj Ruam
Video: #SIMPLEPHYSICS #eighthstandard | chemistry unit-5 | Basic constituents of matter 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj
Electromyography Chaw
Electromyography Chaw

Nyob zoo txhua tus thiab txais tos rau peb qhov project!

Ua ntej tshaj plaws, peb xav qhia peb tus kheej. Peb yog pab pawg ntawm peb tus tub ntxhais kawm ntawm 'Creative Electronics', BEng Electronic Engineering xyoo 4 tus qauv ntawm University of Malaga, Tsev Kawm Ntawv ntawm Kev Sib Txuas Lus (

Lub hom phiaj ntawm txoj haujlwm no yog txhawm rau rhuav tshem thiab qhia ua phooj ywg siv cov cuab yeej siv kho mob, xws li hluav taws xob, los ntawm kev tsim cov vis dis aus game siv cov hluav taws xob no ua cov ntsuas. Cov hluav taws xob nyeem cov hluav taws xob ua haujlwm ntawm cov leeg, uas yog hu ua electromyography (EMG). Peb kho lub teeb liab ntawd thiab siv nws los tswj kev txav chaw ntawm lub dav hlau hauv peb cov vis dis aus. Cov hluav taws xob tau txuas rau ob sab caj npab, thiab peb tuaj yeem sau npe 3 yam kev txav chaw. Tuav ib yam dab tsi muag muag nrog peb sab laug lossis sab tes xis yuav ua rau lub dav hlau txav mus rau sab laug lossis sab xis. Hom thib peb ntawm kev txav chaw tau sau npe los ntawm tuav ob txhais tes nruj me ntsis tib lub sijhawm, thiab nws yuav tua lub laser nqaj ntawm peb lub dav hlau. Hauv qab no peb yuav qhia koj yuav ua li cas txav nrog koj txhais tes hauv video.

Cia peb pib!

Kauj Ruam 1: Yuav Cov Khoom Tseem Ceeb

Yuav khoom Qhov tseem ceeb
Yuav khoom Qhov tseem ceeb
Yuav khoom Qhov tseem ceeb
Yuav khoom Qhov tseem ceeb
Yuav khoom Qhov tseem ceeb
Yuav khoom Qhov tseem ceeb

Nov yog cov npe ntawm cov khoom xav tau los ua qhov haujlwm no:

  • Arduino SAV-Maker, peb rov tsim dua lub rooj tsav xwm txhim kho rau cov ncauj lus no, yog li peb txiav txim siab siv nws! Nov yog qhov txuas mus rau github:
  • 2 x OLIMEX Arduino Shield rau EMG/EKG.
  • Bluetooth Module HC-05.
  • Lub txhab nyiaj fais fab uas haum rau hauv lub thawv ntoo thiab USB cable txhawm rau txhawb nqa Arduino.
  • 1 meter ntawm xaim nrog tsawg kawg 3 xov sab hauv.
  • 6x txiv tsawb txiv neej txuas.
  • 2x 3.5mm nkaus txiv neej txuas.
  • 6x TENS electrodes.
  • Ib lub thawv ntoo.
  • 4x bolts thiab ceev.
  • 2x hlau daim hlau, kom khaws txhua yam khoom siv hauv lub thawv kom nruj.

Kauj Ruam 2: Muab lub xaim txuas rau Jack thiab Txiv tsawb txuas

Solder Cov Hlau rau Jack thiab Txiv tsawb txuas
Solder Cov Hlau rau Jack thiab Txiv tsawb txuas
Solder Cov Hlau rau Jack thiab Txiv tsawb txuas
Solder Cov Hlau rau Jack thiab Txiv tsawb txuas
Solder Cov Hlau rau Jack thiab Txiv tsawb txuas
Solder Cov Hlau rau Jack thiab Txiv tsawb txuas
Solder Cov Hlau rau Jack thiab Txiv tsawb txuas
Solder Cov Hlau rau Jack thiab Txiv tsawb txuas

Cov ntaub thaiv npog OLIMEX muaj tus poj niam 3.5 hli txuas txuas, yog li ntawd, nws yuav tsum tau xaim nrog tus txiv neej 3.5 hli txuas txuas ntawm ib sab ntawm xaim, thiab 3 txiv neej txiv tsawb txuas ntawm lwm sab. Cov txiv tsawb txuas no yuav txuas nrog cov hluav taws xob. Txhua qhov xov ntawm cov xaim yuav raug muab muag raws li koj tuaj yeem pom hauv daim duab saum toj no. Txiv tsawb dawb yog "electrode hauv av" lossis siv hluav taws xob, uas yuav muab lo rau ntawm peb lub luj tshib. Ob lub txiv tsawb txuas ntxiv yog cov hluav taws xob uas nyeem cov hluav taws xob ua haujlwm ntawm cov leeg nqaij. Koj xav tau ob lub xov hlau txhawm rau txhawm rau txuas cov ntaub thaiv npog rau txhua lub ntsej muag.

Kauj Ruam 3: Txuas Txhua Yam

Txuas Txhua Yam
Txuas Txhua Yam
Txuas Txhua Yam
Txuas Txhua Yam

Raws li koj tuaj yeem pom hauv daim duab, kev sib txuas yog yooj yim heev, ua tsaug rau daim ntaub thaiv, uas tau muab tso rau saum Arduino. Peb kuj yuav tsum txuas lub bluetooth module, siv tus pin qhia hauv daim duab. Txuas cov xov hlau mus rau daim ntaub thaiv thiab cov hluav taws xob, thiab peb tau ua tiav nrog kho vajtse!

Kauj ruam 4: Coding

Nov yog qhov txuas mus rau github chaw cia khoom uas muaj cov vis dis aus game, coded in Processing, thiab Arduino code.

Kev ua yeeb yaj kiab ua haujlwm tau zoo nyob hauv daim nplaub tshev hu ua Processing/EMG_Demo_Game

Kauj Ruam 5: Rooj Sib Tham Kawg

Los Ua Ke Kawg
Los Ua Ke Kawg
Los Ua Ke Kawg
Los Ua Ke Kawg
Los Ua Ke Kawg
Los Ua Ke Kawg

Npaj lub thawv ntoo los qhia txhua yam khoom siv, ua ob peb qhov rau cov ntsia liaj qhov rooj thiab cov xov hlau. Sim koj cov phaj thiab ntsia liaj qhov rooj, thiab yog tias cov khoom sib dhos xoob, ntxiv me ntsis ntawm cov polystyrene zoo li peb tau ua, kom ntseeg tau tias txhua yam khoom siv tau nruj. Cov kauj ruam no ua tiav rau koj, yog tias koj muaj lub tshuab luam ntawv 3D, koj tuaj yeem luam koj lub thawv!

Kauj ruam 6: Ua si

Thaum xub thawj, koj yuav xav tau ob peb feeb los hloov kho, vim tias kev txav txav yog qhov nyuaj me ntsis, tab sis thaum koj tau siv nws, koj yuav tswj nws kom zoo. Cov vis dis aus txuas nrog qhia pom qhov ua ntej ntawm cov vis dis aus, vim tias tsis muaj lub hom phiaj tua, koj yuav tsum rub tawm github version los sim qhov kev ua si zaum kawg!

Ua tsaug rau kev mus saib peb qhov project thiab muaj kev lom zem ua nws!

Pom zoo: