Cov txheej txheem:

DIY Geiger Counter Nrog ESP8266 thiab Touchscreen: 4 Cov Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)
DIY Geiger Counter Nrog ESP8266 thiab Touchscreen: 4 Cov Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)

Video: DIY Geiger Counter Nrog ESP8266 thiab Touchscreen: 4 Cov Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)

Video: DIY Geiger Counter Nrog ESP8266 thiab Touchscreen: 4 Cov Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)
Video: Nastya and Watermelon with a fictional story for kids 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj
DIY Geiger Counter Nrog ESP8266 thiab Touchscreen
DIY Geiger Counter Nrog ESP8266 thiab Touchscreen
DIY Geiger Counter Nrog ESP8266 thiab Touchscreen
DIY Geiger Counter Nrog ESP8266 thiab Touchscreen
DIY Geiger Counter Nrog ESP8266 thiab Touchscreen
DIY Geiger Counter Nrog ESP8266 thiab Touchscreen

Hloov tshiab: TSHIAB TSHIAB VERSION nrog WIFI thiab Lwm Yam Ntxiv Nta Ntawm No

Kuv tsim thiab tsim Geiger Counter-lub cuab yeej uas tuaj yeem kuaj pom hluav taws xob ionizing thiab ceeb toom nws cov neeg siv ntawm qhov phom sij txaus ntshai nyob ib puag ncig hluav taws xob nrog txhua yam-dhau-paub-nyem lub suab nrov. Nws kuj tseem tuaj yeem siv thaum tshawb xyuas cov zaub mov kom pom tias pob zeb uas koj pom muaj Uranium Ore hauv nws!

Muaj ntau cov khoom siv uas twb muaj lawm thiab qhia muaj nyob online kom ua rau koj tus kheej Geiger Counter, tab sis kuv xav ua ib qho uas txawv - Kuv tsim GUI zaub nrog kov tswj kom cov ntaub ntawv raug nthuav tawm hauv txoj kev zoo nkauj.

Kauj Ruam 1: Yooj Yim Yooj Yim

Yooj Yim Yooj Yim
Yooj Yim Yooj Yim
Yooj Yim Yooj Yim
Yooj Yim Yooj Yim

Txoj haujlwm ua haujlwm ntawm Geiger Counter yog qhov yooj yim. Ib txoj hlab nyias nyias uas muaj cov pa siab sab hauv (hu ua Geiger-Muller Tube) tau txhawb zog nrog qhov siab nyob thoob plaws nws ob lub tshuab hluav taws xob. Cov hluav taws xob uas tau tsim los tsis txaus ua rau dielectric tawg - yog li tsis muaj cov dej ntws tam sim no los ntawm lub raj. Qhov ntawd yog kom txog thaum cov khoom me me lossis photon ntawm cov hluav taws xob ionizing dhau los ntawm nws.

Thaum beta lossis gamma hluav taws xob dhau los, nws tuaj yeem ionize qee cov roj molecules sab hauv, tsim cov hluav taws xob dawb thiab ions zoo. Cov khoom no pib txav mus vim muaj lub hauv paus hluav taws xob, thiab cov tshuab hluav taws xob tau khaws nrawm txaus uas lawv xaus rau ionizing lwm cov lwg me me, tsim cov cascade ntawm cov nqi them uas siv hluav taws xob ib ntus. Qhov luv luv ntawm qhov tam sim no tuaj yeem kuaj pom los ntawm cov kab hluav taws xob tau qhia hauv cov txheej txheem, uas tom qab ntawd tuaj yeem siv los tsim lub suab nyem, lossis hauv qhov no, pub rau lub microcontroller uas tuaj yeem suav nrog nws.

Kuv siv SBM-20 Geiger raj txij li nws yooj yim mus nrhiav ntawm eBay, thiab nkag siab heev rau beta thiab gamma tawg.

Kauj Ruam 2: Qhov Chaw thiab Kev Tsim Kho

Qhov Chaw thiab Kev Tsim Kho
Qhov Chaw thiab Kev Tsim Kho
Qhov Chaw thiab Kev Tsim Kho
Qhov Chaw thiab Kev Tsim Kho
Qhov Chaw thiab Kev Tsim Kho
Qhov Chaw thiab Kev Tsim Kho

Kuv siv NodeMCU pawg thawj coj raws ESP8266 microcontroller ua lub paj hlwb rau txoj haujlwm no. Kuv xav tau qee yam uas tuaj yeem tsim kho tau zoo li Arduino tab sis nrawm txaus los tsav cov zaub yam tsis muaj kev lag luam ntau dhau.

Txog qhov khoom siv hluav taws xob siab, Kuv siv HV DC-DC txhawb kev hloov pauv los ntawm Aliexpress los muab 400V rau Geiger raj. Tsuas yog nco ntsoov tias thaum ntsuas qhov ntsuas hluav taws xob tso tawm, koj tsis tuaj yeem ntsuas nws ncaj qha nrog lub multimeter - qhov cuam tshuam tsis dhau thiab nws yuav poob qhov hluav taws xob yog li nyeem ntawv yuav tsis raug. Tsim qhov faib hluav taws xob nrog tsawg kawg 100 MOhms hauv kab nrog cov ntsuas hluav taws xob thiab ntsuas qhov hluav taws xob li ntawd.

Cov cuab yeej siv los ntawm lub roj teeb 18650 uas pub rau lwm lub zog hloov pauv uas muab qhov ruaj khov 4.2V rau qhov seem ntawm lub Circuit Court.

Nov yog txhua yam ntawm cov khoom siv xav tau rau Circuit:

  • SBM-20 GM raj (ntau tus muag ntawm eBay)
  • High Voltage Boost Hloov (AliExpress)
  • Boost Converter rau 4.2V (AliExpress)
  • NodeMCU esp8266 board (Amazon)
  • 2.8 "SPI Touchscreen (Amazon)
  • 18650 Li-ion cell (Amazon) LOSSIS Ib qho 3.7 V LiPo roj teeb (500+ mAh)
  • 18650 tus tuav tes (Amazon) Nco tseg: tus tuav lub roj teeb no tau dhau los ua qhov me me rau PCB thiab kuv yuav tsum khoov tus pin sab hauv kom thiaj li tuaj yeem muab tshuaj txhuam tau. Kuv xav qhia kom siv lub roj teeb LiPo me dua thiab siv cov JST coj mus rau cov roj teeb ntawm PCB.

Lwm yam khoom siv hluav taws xob xav tau (koj yuav muaj qee qhov no twb tau ua lawm):

  • Resistors (Ohms): 330, 1K, 10K, 22K, 100K, 1.8M, 3M. Pom zoo kom tau txais 10M tus tiv thaiv rau ua qhov faib hluav taws xob xav tau los ntsuas qhov ntsuas hluav taws xob siab.
  • Cov Capacitors: 220 pF
  • Transistors: 2N3904
  • LED: 3 hli
  • Buzzer: Txhua 12-17 hli piezo buzzer
  • Fuse yas dhos 6.5*32 (kom txuas Geiger raj ruaj ntseg)
  • Toggle hloov 12 hli

Thov xa mus rau kab lus PDF hauv kuv GitHub kom pom txhua qhov khoom siv mus. Feem ntau nws pheej yig dua los xaj cov khoom no los ntawm cov xa khoom loj xws li DigiKey lossis LCSC. Koj yuav pom daim ntawv nthuav qhia nrog kuv daim ntawv teev npe los ntawm LCSC hauv GitHub nplooj ntawv uas muaj feem ntau ntawm cov khoom siv qhia saum toj no.

Thaum tsis xav tau PCB, nws tuaj yeem pab ua kom yooj yim sib dhos thiab ua kom nws zoo nkauj. Cov ntaub ntawv Gerber rau kev tsim khoom PCB tuaj yeem pom hauv kuv GitHub ib yam. Kuv tau ua qee qhov kev txhim kho rau PCB tsim txij li thaum kuv tau txais kuv li, yog li cov dhia dhia ntxiv yuav tsum tsis xav tau nrog kev tsim qauv tshiab. Qhov no tseem tsis tau sim, txawm li cas los xij.

Cov ntaub ntawv yog 3D luam tawm ntawm PLA thiab cov khoom tuaj yeem pom ntawm no. Kuv tau hloov pauv rau CAD cov ntaub ntawv txhawm rau cuam tshuam qhov chaw hloov pauv hauv PCB. Nws yuav tsum ua haujlwm, tab sis thov nco ntsoov tias qhov no tsis tau sim.

Kauj ruam 3: Code thiab UI

Code thiab UI
Code thiab UI
Code thiab UI
Code thiab UI
Code thiab UI
Code thiab UI

Kuv siv Adafruit GFX lub tsev qiv ntawv los tsim cov neeg siv interface rau cov zaub. Cov lej tuaj yeem pom hauv kuv tus lej GitHub ntawm no.

Qhov home page qhia txog qhov koob tshuaj, suav rau ib feeb, thiab suav tag nrho cov koob tshuaj txij li lub tshuab tau qhib. Tus neeg siv tuaj yeem xaiv hom kev sib koom qeeb lossis nrawm uas hloov pauv qhov sib dhos ua ke mus rau 60 vib nas this lossis 3 vib nas this. Lub tswb nrov thiab LED tuaj yeem qhib lossis tawm ntawm tus kheej.

Muaj cov ntawv qhia zaub mov yooj yim uas tso cai rau tus neeg siv hloov pauv cov koob tshuaj, qhov pib ceeb toom, thiab ntsuas qhov ntsuas uas cuam tshuam nrog CPM rau qhov koob tshuaj. Txhua qhov chaw raug cawm hauv EEPROM yog li lawv tuaj yeem rov qab tau thaum lub cuab yeej rov pib dua.

Kauj Ruam 4: Xeem thiab Xaus

Xeem thiab Xaus
Xeem thiab Xaus
Xeem thiab Xaus
Xeem thiab Xaus
Xeem thiab Xaus
Xeem thiab Xaus

Geiger Counter ntsuas ntsuas tus lej ntawm 15 - 30 suav nyob rau ib feeb los ntawm cov hluav taws xob keeb kwm yav dhau los, uas yog hais txog dab tsi xav tau los ntawm SBM -20 raj. Ib qho piv txwv me me ntawm Uranium Ore sau npe ua cov xov tooj cua nruab nrab, nyob ib puag ncig 400 CPM, tab sis lub teeb ci ntsa iab tuaj yeem ua rau nws nyem nrawm dua 5000 CPM thaum tuav tawm tsam lub raj!

Geiger txee rub ncig 180 mA ntawm 3.7V, yog li 2000 mAh roj teeb yuav tsum nyob ib puag ncig 11 teev ntawm kev them nqi.

Kuv npaj yuav ntsuas ntsuas lub raj kom raug nrog cov txheej txheem txheem ntawm Cesium-137, uas yuav ua rau kev nyeem tshuaj ntau dua. Txog rau kev txhim kho yav tom ntej, Kuv kuj tseem tuaj yeem ntxiv WiFi lub peev xwm thiab cov ntaub ntawv nkag mus ua haujlwm txij li ESP8266 twb los nrog WiFi ua hauv.

Kuv vam tias koj pom txoj haujlwm no nthuav! Thov qhia koj qhov kev tsim tawm yog tias koj ua tiav qhov ua tau zoo ib yam!

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